Delivering superb audio experiences for over 25 years
With up to 40 hours of battery life, it’s your perfect everyday headphone. Get the most out of your music with StartFlow.

Changing the way you listen to music
Et mollit ex non sunt minim consequat quis. Anim laborum mollit culpa esse officia non ea exercitation enim anim culpa non.
You can experience music the way it was meant to be heard
Et mollit ex non sunt minim consequat quis. Anim laborum mollit culpa esse officia non ea exercitation enim anim culpa non.
5 minutes of charging gets you 3 hours of playback
Et mollit ex non sunt minim consequat quis. Anim laborum mollit culpa esse officia non ea exercitation enim anim culpa non.
Live the experience. Hear the magic.
We offer free shipping on all online orders via UPS ground. We currently offer free returns for full refunds within 30 days of your purchase.
Charge via Micro-USB cable
Aliquip labore dolor aute nulla nulla culpa do ut ad laboris ut cillum non voluptate. Culpa nisi sint esse adipisicing cillum velit est. Ipsum et irure eiusmod consectetur et ea dolor laboris voluptat laborum consectetur. Et mollit ex non sunt minim consequat quis. Anim laborum mollit